ikebana arrangement in two containers by Ekaterina Seehaus, Materials: calla, Australian flax икебана Согэтсу Sogetsu school ikebanaweb.com ikebana meditation article

Ikebana as meditation

I have been reflecting on the meditative aspect of ikebana already for a while. This article covers my discoveries. If you ask your friend Wikipedia “what is ikebana?” it will say that it is an art of arranging flowers. But then it will also tell you that it is a Kado – the way of … Continue reading Ikebana as meditation

And the winner is….

Finally we can announce our Natural Creativity Challenge winner. The idea of this Challenge was to get people who have never been involved in Ikebana (or in any other type of flower arranging) to try making a flower composition. The main point is actually not the flower arrangement as such. It is more about restoring … Continue reading And the winner is….

A 3D Challenge: Natural Creativity

A guided meditation to boost your creativity using the main source of it all: the nature. I would like to take you on a quiet self exploration journey. The intention is to experience one of the important sources of your creativity: your connection with nature. No prior experience or special knowledge is required. You do not … Continue reading A 3D Challenge: Natural Creativity

What Ikebana means to me

By way of introduction let me share with you an essay I wrote to answer a question “What does Ikebana mean to you”? It was one of the assignments towards the end of the teachers’ training program at the Sogetsu school of Ikebana. Here is what I said: "For me Ikebana is first of all … Continue reading What Ikebana means to me